Friday, February 20, 2009


Yes, it's exactly what it sounds like, maybe worse. Lars got this cute hairstyle by wiping his face down my shirt, the booger that stayed on my shirt smeered into his hair as he continued putting his head down. I couldn't resist taking his picture and as you can see it didn't bother him any:)!!

He is also working a a few new skills this week. Not only has he climbed to the top of the stairs, by himself, 3 times; he is working on "cat"fishing with Karl's gun cleaning rod. He is very proud!

1 comment:

Nicole Brady said...

LOL - as gross as the booger hawk sounds, it's actually pretty funny.

Thanks for the heads-up on figuring out what SAHM means. When I underwent my template change, I lost a bit of content in the transfer. (I removed widgets, banners and other things that explained what a SAHM is.) But thanks to your piece of advice, I added a short definition to the "about" page. Hope to see you back!