Monday, September 17, 2007

Pregnancy Dreams

The weirdest dream I had was a couple weeks ago. You must know what lead to this dream: I was reading, before I went to bed, about toxoplasmosis. It's a disease that some cats have. It doesn't harm the cat or adults, but it can cause brain damage in a fetus. I read cats get it from eating mice.

In my dream there was a mouse running on the ceililng in our bedroom (which Karl said was impossible, so I had to remind him it was a crazy pregnant dream). I was sleeping on my side and then all of a sudden the mouse goes flying through the air and lands on my hip! I was so scared that he was going to bite me and then I was going to get toxoplasmosis. I was trying to scream for Karl to help me, but I couldn't get any sound out so I was basically hyperventilating. Then I wake up because Karl is tapping me on the hip:) Apparently I was screaming and hyperventilating for real (not just in my dream) and I woke him up!!!

1 comment:

jenni said...

Oh, my goodness- I just read this again- I had read it a while back, but I forgot about it! I am at work- so I was trying to be quiet about my laughing- but it didn't work- I just keep picturing you squirming around and hyperventalating- while Karl is tapping you on the hip. I am laughing so hard that I am crying and I think I might have just wet my pants. You are HYSTERICAL!!!!